Services and Locations


We invite you to worship with us at either of our two local New Testament churches in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area. Please feel free to contact us. Maps and directions are provided below for your convenience. We look forward to worshipping our Lord, our Savior and our God with you.

Fort Worth Public Worship Directions (Map)

a local church in Fort Worth meets at:

The NE Corner of College Avenue and West Cannon Street, one block south of Pennsylvania Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas. From I-30, Exit Henderson Street, drive South to Pennsylvania Ave. Go 2 blocks East to College Ave.and one block South to West Cannon Street. (two blocks east of Texas Health-Harris

Methodist Hospital, across from Trimble Tech High School)

Telephone: 817-334-0710  Fax: 817-334-0909...


E-mail Fort Worth local church


Fort Worth Public Worship Services

11:00 am Sunday morning (new time)

10:30 am Tuesday morning Ladies Bible Study

Nursery and Children's Church, Sunday AM, up to age 11

No nursery or childcare provided on Tuesday morning



Dallas Public Worship Directions

a local church in Dallas is now meeting at:

Hilton-Linclon Centre

5401 LBJ Freeway

Dallas, Texas 75240

LBJ Frwy and Dallas North Tollway

Worship, Eisenhower 3, Lobby level

Children, Washington A & B, down escalator


Telephone: 817-334-0710 (Fort Worth office)

Email Dallas local church

Dallas Public Worship Services


9:00 am Sunday


Nursery up to age 5


Children's Church, ages 6-11


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