We believe everything in the Bible to be true, certain, final and complete. We trust no other authority or power for our faith, our doctrine, our lives, and our purpose in this world or in the next.
We Believe God, our Creator, is our loving Father. He loves all men with an unconditional love. His perfect love casts out all fear. Our heavenly Father sent His only Son into the world to forgive sinners. The Father forgives us when we sin against Him, disobey His law, or refuse to seek Him for His loving help. Jesus Christ came into the world to show us the Father’s mercy and to offer us His strength and power.
All who believe His promise of salvation are justified by their faith in God’s loving-kindness. In addition, everyone who confesses his or her sin and selfishness, not only receives the Creator’s forgiveness, but shall also be sanctified and made holy by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and divine presence.
We worship God for His goodness with continual thanksgiving, praise and adoration.
We believe Jesus, the messiah of Israel, is coming back soon in the glory of His Father in order to receive His glorious church, adorned as a bride without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Our bridal purity and maturity is entirely the work of God, for us on Calvary, in us at Pentecost, and through us from Zion.
This is our new birth in Christ and our daily happiness with our beloved Bridegroom. The Father’s holiness exposes our sins. The Son’s mercy forgives every sin the Father exposes. The Holy Spirit’s power changes us day by day into the likeness of the Son, so that we may enter heaven after this world to enjoy God forever.